Editing Services

With Rivera EditShop - a language editing service - we make sure that language isn't a barrier to getting your research published. When you submit your manuscript for editing, a skilled native English speaker in your subject area edits and improves your manuscript and provides suggestions to improve vocabulary and style.

We will polish you’re your paper. Just submit your manuscript and decide how quickly you need the work done.

With Rivera EditShop, you get:

  • Editing into proper scientific American or British English, by native speakers
  • Rapid turnaround time; 2–5 days for most of the cases
  • Exclusive guarantee: Free re-editing
  • Quality specialists in your subject area
  • Affordable price range
  • Value-added services: Plagiarism check and free typesetting (for Advanced Editing)

Basic Editing

Each manuscript submitted for basic editing is assigned to a subject area editor who ensures language, terminology, and grammarthings that could otherwise reduce chances of manuscript acceptance. The editor will suggest changes on problems with tense, conjugations, and parallelism, making the manuscript looks natural and professional.

Advanced Editing

This involves more comprehensive editing of the manuscript on language and style. Advanced editing is performed by an editor and a managing editor. While the editor will focus on typographical errors, usage, punctuation, and grammar, the managing editor makes sure the changes are addressed properly and as suggested.

Click on the sample to get an idea of how we can improve your paper and make it submission-ready.


We recognize that most of the authors are rather hesitant about utilizing language services owing to the high cost. Therefore, we have designed a very competitive pricing structure to enable authors, who don't have sufficient means, benefit from our services.

We have priced our basic and advanced editing on the basis of 'per word'.

Basic Editing

  • Up to 3000 words; price is $295
  • 3000 to 6000 words; price is $475
  • Up to 10,000 words; price is $745

Advanced Editing

  • Up to 3000 words; price is $375
  • Up to 5000 words; price is $595
  • Up to 10,000 words; price is $895
Contact us at editshop@riverapub.com if your manuscript is longer than 12,000 words. We have special arrangements for Ph.D. theses and book authors.

Disclaimer: Please note that Rivera EditShop is an editing service only, and using the service will in no way guarantee that your manuscript will be selected for peer review or accepted for publication in any of Rivera journals. Journal editors independently assess manuscripts submitted for publication based on the quality and appropriateness of a manuscript for the journal, and their editorial evaluation will not consider whether or not a manuscript has been edited through Rivera EditShop.

Copyright © 2022 Rivera EditShop.